Anh Thomas Investment is a financial advisory firm specialised in finding the best investments worldwide for its clients. Anh Thomas Investment has grown over the years since its start in 2011 to become one of the largest provider of non-Vietnamese investors in the Vietnamese stock markets. The company’s clients come from all over the world and invest not only in the Vietnamese stock markets but also in alternative assets such as the US real estate market or bonds. Through the past 10 years, Anh Thomas Investment has mainly expanded by word to mouth with relatively little presence on medias and social links. Anh Thomas Investment has however already more than 300 followers on Linkedin (with daily posts) and despite a very limited number of posts has now more than 100 followers on Facebook. Having a relatively small presence on the social platforms and more generally online did not stop the company growing a lot over the years. Anh Thomas Investment number of clients has constantly increased and the company is indirectly managing much more money than it used to in large part because of the performances that their existing customers have recorded over the years. In fact, the number one factor of the growth in assets manager has come from the performance of existing long-term clients. Each investor who has invested 10 000 USD 10 years ago has now more than 50 000 USD (assuming no further investment were made during these 10 years).
Anh Thomas Investment has recently joined Twitter. Investing time in Twitter may help a marketing strategy and contribute to build a largest audience which is always a nice thing to do for a company in any industry. As of today and despite the recent events, Twitter remains one of the largest social platforms. Twitter is a powerful tool to share update about a company and about an industry in general.