Investing large amounts of money can be difficult in many different ways. Investing large amounts abroad is of course even more difficult than doing it in the comfort of your own country where you know the culture and can easily detect what we could call dream sellers or scams. There is of course a difficulty from a technical point of view, in particular with the administrative burden which can quickly prove to be massive. However, difficulties are unfortunately not limited to that, and another very specific type of difficulty is often overlooked or even worse completely overlooked: it is about emotions and their sometimes catastrophic consequences. Anh Thomas Investment is always looking for investments all over the world and we are now helping our clients to invest in the Vietnamese stock markets. When you decide to invest in Vietnam without being Vietnamese, it can quickly become very difficult or even impossible to manage your emotions. You must know how to be patient, you must remain calm and never overwhelm yourself when your investment does not yield as much as you would like, because even if it is a unwanted fact, your portfolio will fall at some point, even if the losses will probably only be temporary. All investors experience periods of losses when investing in stocks. How you handle these tough times will determine whether you are a successful investor or end up being like most individual equity investors who, unfortunately for them, end up largely underperforming the indexes.