Dear investors and followers,
2020 has been a terrific year for equity investors and this is especially true in Vietnam. Investors ignored the pain of the pandemic and bet on a future where companies rely less on labour. However, the year has not been so good for some industries and it is fair to say that oil companies, airlines and even banks have not had a dream year. Nonetheless and as far as our clients are concerned, 2020 will remain a great year with amazing performances once again.
Our global approach to investment
Anh Thomas Investment is a financial advisory firm that aims to find the best investments worldwide. We currently focus on two specific types of assets: Vietnamese stocks and Texan Real estate market. Stocks provide the best returns over the long term and advising our clients on this type of assets remains our core business. Since diversification is important, we also advise our clients on Real Estate assets, which allows our clients to obtain returns that are less volatile (but unfortunately also lower) than stocks.
2020 Vietnamese Stock Market review
What a year! Despite the worst global pandemic in a century and the almost shockingly brief bear market that accompanied it. The year has been exceptional once again for investors in the Vietnam stock markets. The main indexes have recorded massive gains and Anh Thomas Investment remains optimistic on the long-term.
Our Stock performance for 2020
Because Anh Thomas Investment is an advisory company and not a fund, there are different ways to look at our performance. The performance of our benchmark portfolio is published monthly and reflects the true performance of our strategy. However, each of our clients holds a stock portfolio with a unique composition and performance. This is because each investor has his/her own characteristics with different attitudes to risk and different timing in cash flows and that some of our clients sometimes decide not to follow all our advices.

In 2020, our benchmark portfolio gained 37.0%. Most of our clients recorded even largest gains over the year with an average return of +52.6%.