As an investor, you may be looking for the highest return possible, no matter where the investments can be located. Suppose this is the case and you have done some research and you think investing in the Vietnamese stock market would be the best option. This would of course please us because we could then help you. The question is now that you know that you want to invest in Vietnam, how do you realize this investment? Unfortunately, you do not have many options available. You can invest in an ETF or open a brokerage account in Vietnam. We will examine in this blog in a few days why we think that ETF has many disadvantages for investors looking for solid performance. We will also explain in a blog entry how to open a brokerage account in Vietnam, which, unexpectedly, is not an extremely difficult task to do but still requires time and energy. You can therefore invest via an ETF or by opening a brokerage account directly in the country. The key here is that the best option is different depending on your characteristics as an investor (each investor is a unique link) and depending on the country in which you want to invest. Some examples to illustrate this: a German investor wishing to invest in the United States of America will have no difficulty in finding a suitable investment. Not only that, but because the US market is so developed, this German investor may be able to directly trade US stocks without opening a US brokerage account. A French investor wishing to invest in Vietnam or Nigeria, for example, will face a much more complex task. The first thing you need to know is that there are only a few ETFs in Vietnam and that these ETFs are not even Vietnamese. These are rather funds with exposure in Vietnam, but this exposure may represent a very small percentage of the fund. As mentioned earlier, we will examine this in more detail in a later blog.