Vietnam is a country full of talent. The problem for a country such as Vietnam or for any other frontier or even emergent market is to manage to keep theses talents. Vietnam has just been ranked 86th out of 118 countries in the latest Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI), released in early 2017 by INSEAD, one of the world’s leading business schools and based in France, the Human Capital Leadership Institute of Singapore (HCLI), and the Switzerland-based workforce solutions provider Adecco Group, which measures how countries grow, attract, and retain talent and provides a resource for decision-makers to develop strategies for boosting their talent competitiveness. There is much more work to do in terms of retaining talents and invest in them in Vietnam. One of the biggest difficulty to do so is linked to the current low salaries. Things evolve and we might have a very different picture in a generation’s time.